
An Overview of the Health Benefits of Vitamin C

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Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is one of the most effective nutrients, according to many experts. Although it is not curative for common cold, it can prevent most of its serious complications.


Dietary sources of vitamin C:

The richest sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits…etc. Strawberries, green peppers, white potatoes, broccoli, papaya, dark leafy greens, mango, watermelon, cabbage, berries, pineapples and sweet potatoes are also good sources of vitamin C.

The role of vitamin C in the human body:

Vitamin C is crucial for the growth, repair and development of all types of tissues of the human body. It is involved in a wide array of physiological functions and biochemical pathways in humans including synthesis of collagen, absorption of iron, immune response against various infectious agents, wound healing and the integrity of teeth, cartilage and bones.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant which can protect cells against the damaging effects of oxygen free radicals, toxic chemicals and other environmental pollutants. Accumulation of free radicals inside the human body can lead to the development of various medical disorders including arthritis and heart diseases.

The human body cannot store vitamin C, so toxicity is extremely rare. However, it is recommended not to take more than 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day to avoid diarrhea and stomach upset.

Just like other water soluble vitamins, vitamin C should be continuously supplied via dietary sources, to prevent its deficiency. It is better to eat vegetable and fruits in their raw form, because cooking can destroy their vitamin C content.


The amazing benefits of vitamin C:

According to recent research data, the benefits of vitamin C include all the following:

  • Alleviation of the negative effects of stress:

A recent large scale study proved the beneficial effects of vitamin C on an immune system that was weakened by stress, which is a condition that has become rather common in modern societies. Vitamin C is very stress-sensitive, so it is one the first vitamins to be depleted in smokers, alcoholics and overweight individuals.

  • Prevention of serious complications of common colds:

As mentioned earlier, vitamin C cannot cure common cold, yet it can prevent its dangerous complications. A great body of evidence exists supporting how vitamin C can reduce the incidence of complications of common colds including pneumonia and other forms of lung infection.

  • Prevention of stroke:

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, individuals with higher blood concentrations of vitamin C are associated with a 42% lower incidence of stroke when compared to those with low blood levels of the vitamin.

  • Alleviation of the manifestations of skin aging:

According to many researchers, vitamin C supplementation reduces the risk for developing skin wrinkling, skin dryness and reduction of skin elasticity.

To sum up, the health benefits of vitamin C are indispensable. Taking Vitarall tablets everyday will supply you with your daily requirements of vitamin C.

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